One look at the Revolutionary QuickFreeze™ In-Rack Freezing System and suddenly the blast freezers that once seemed so innovative are immediately outdated. Rather than blasting cold air at food product and hoping some airflow gets to the center of the pallet stacks, QuickFreeze™ uses patented technology to pull air through the product for faster, more consistent and predictable freezing. That’s the power of QuickFreeze™ – the new look of cool.
The best thing about QF+ Freezing System is right there in its name – it freezes food faster. This means you can rotate inventory in and out of the freezer in less time, increasing capacity. So, it’s like adding refrigeration space to your existing footprint.
As with QF+, airflow is the most important factor in removing heat during the freezing process. This proven principle is the basis for QF+ and QFM. By drawing air through each pallet, heat is pulled away as quickly as the product will release it, providing speed, consistency, and predictability. Airflow is the most important factor in removing heat during the freezing process. This proven principle is the basis for QF+. By drawing air through each pallet, heat is pulled away as quickly as the product will release it, providing speed, consistency and predictability.
1. Maximize Airflow – Vacuum created by high pressure premium fans pulls air through pallets rather than just blasting air at them
2. Food Safety – Warm air is evenly distributed for ideal removal, while chilled air is pulled through for even, predictable product freezing without “sweet” or “slow” spots
3. Easy Loading and Unloading – Racking configuration makes loading and unloading easy, helping cut labor costs
4. Exclusive Features – Exclusive swing gate automatically adjusts to pallet heights for even freezing
5. Continuous Freezing – Non-stop capability eliminates batch freezing

QF+ Stock System
No need to spec build- add freezing capacity in as little as one week!
QF+ made easy. Tippmann stocks a 168 Pallet Position (PP) QuickFreeze system so that you can enjoy its freezing performance in as little as one week! Designed to fit in the space currently occupied by 2 deep back to back select rack, and designed to fit in buildings with 38′ clear (to bottom of joist), Tippmann can ship your QuickFreeze QF+ system immediately. See detailed CAD drawing to make sure that it will fit in your space.